<aside> 💡 we make different you!


World Trademark Center

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🚴 Valuable Work

We always pursue valuable work. When it comes to trademark applications, we believe that filing quickly is the most valuable. I believe that securing the rights to a word inspired by an application within 24 hours, no matter where you are in the world, is the beginning of a global brand. Mark24 aims to lay the foundation for growth as the first brand by applying for a trademark in Korea within 24 hours.

Definitely fast! Happy lowest price!

That is the value mark24 pursues.


JHIP starts the mark24 service. JHIP was established in 2016 and provides professional services related to intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, and designs. Based on our experience so far, we have started the mark24 service, and we plan to expand services related to patent and design centered on mark24.

No matter what we do, our top priority on filing the application as quickly as possible will not change. If you have any questions at any time, please leave a message. JHIP members promise to answer with sincerity.

